Wednesday 8 August 2012

You Know You're Obsessed with the Once-Ler When...

You Know You’re Obsessed with The Once-Ler When…
"People are obsessed with me!? Wow, CREEPY!"

*    You have the entire song “How Bad Can I Be?” memorized… backwards.
*    Your new favourite foods are pancakes and marshmallows
*    You’ve made a Once-Ler costume
*    You can listen to any of the Once-Ler’s songs on replay for 4 or more hours on a long car trip and not get sick of the song.
*    You’ve made up an alternate ending to the movie so the Once-Ler doesn’t have to be so… old.
*    Your relatives, who haven’t seen the Lorax, know who the Once-Ler is.
*    You would totally marry the Once-Ler if he was real.
*    You can draw the Once-Ler in less than 30 seconds- and it looks good!
*    You’ve taken up knitting just because of the Once-Ler.
*    Your new favourite colour is glittery emerald green.
*    You’ve made a plushie Once-Ler! (Bonus points if you made a grey, green, AND pajama Oncie!)
*    When watching TV, you see an ad for some random movie that says it comes out on August 4th. Person watching TV with you: “When does that movie come out again?”
Your response: “3 days before the Lorax goes on DVD.”
*    Your favourite thing to search on Google images is pictures of the Once-Ler.
*    You have an extensive collection of all things Once-Ler.
*    You and your friend’s most heated argument was on who could draw the Once-Ler better.
*    You have had very extensive debates on how tall the Once-Ler actually is (I’d say 7ft 2in! XD)
*    Whenever you make breakfast for your family, their comment always is “Pancakes again!?”
*    You’ve attempted to knit your own thneed.
*    When you go clothing shopping, you’re always on the lookout for blue pajamas with yellow bunnies on them… even though you’re over the age of three.
*    You’ve always wanted to try squirting your cat/dog/younger sibling’s head with the garden hose, just to see if they poof up just like the Lorax (XD the mini movies!).
*    If you ever get the chance to repaint your room, you’re doing a mural of the Once-Ler cutting down a tree on a sky blue background.
*    You find the Once-Ler cuter than the most popular “hot” celebrity.
*    Your favourite songs are all sung by the Once-Ler.
*    Your life motto is, “Everybody needs a thneed!”
*    You’ve drawn the Once-Ler in art class… not as a doodle, as an assignment!
*    You quote the Once-Ler in almost every conversation.
*    You use the phrase, “How bad could a meatloaf/scary rollercoaster/brain transplant/etc. possibly be?” all the time.
*    Your idea of studying for a business test is listening to the second half of the song “How Bad Can I Be?”
*    Green gardening gloves are definitely an “in” fashion.
*    When asked for an example of a tree, your response always is “Truffula tree.”
*    If they ever make collectable Once-Ler figurines, you’re buying all the ones the store has in stock.
*    Your idea of accessorizing in the fall or winter is adding green knitted gloves and a fuzzy pink scarf to your outfit.
*    Your next pet is definitely going to be named Oncie!
*    You’ve started thinking tomatoes are evil, since they hit poor Oncie in the face when he first tried to sell his thneed!
*    You know more of the lyrics to a Once-Ler song than to the most popular pop song.
*    Your idea of a “perfect meal” would be pancakes shaped like the Once-Ler’s face, topped with marshmallows and butter.
*    When asked what you want for your birthday, you reply, “A life- sized cardboard cutout of the Once-Ler, green gloves, turquoise rhinestone sunglasses, money, etc…”
*    And your parents aren’t surprised at all at what you just asked for as birthday present ideas.
*    Your main goals in life are to marry the Once-Ler, and have as much money as the Once-Ler.
*    When asked who your role model is, you say The Once-Ler, even though he’s probably one of the worst role models that ever existed.
*    Your phone’s screen saver is the Once-Ler.
*    Your MIND’s “screen saver” is the Once-Ler!


  1. i was in to the once ler but now i kinda grew out of it but i still look on google images for him

  2. I have all three Once-ler plushies. The grey one comes with his pink apron<3
