Wednesday 8 August 2012

Get your Once-Ler desktops here!

Okay, so I decided to make some Once-Ler desktops on paint. To get them as your desktop, right click them, press "save image". Then, go to your "My Pictures" folder, and right click on the image. Press, "set as desktop background". And, volia! You have a new Once-Ler desktop background. Enjoy! ;)

The Once-Ler and Lorax
Best set as "tile", for you Windows users...

Mini Once-Ler
Best set as "center", for you Windows users...

Thneed Production Line
Best set as "tile", for... oh, you get the point.

Once-Ler and Lorax Comic!
Best set as either "center" or "tile", for...AHHH! Make it stop!

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